Monday, September 25, 2017

My First Post EVER

Hello all! My name is Casey and I am brand new to blogging. I don't even know if people read blogs anymore, but here goes. We'll just start with a few things about me. I am a junior in high school and I actually do color guard at a different school than the one I take classes at. I started color guard in the summer of 2017 and all through September I have competitions. I have a very busy life thanks to guard, so my blogging will probably not be on a very well set schedule. I suppose something you should know is that I am a transgender male, FTM if you are familiar with the terms. If not, it means that I was born as a female but identify as a male.

I'm not sure how long this is supposed to be but a lot of these will probably be ramblings, so, fair warning. Obviously, my blog will be about my life in color guard, however I might post some other things depending on my mood. I'm really excited to see how this will go, it's kind of like when I started my YouTube channel, it's all very new and I get to explore all these different things. I think that this was a sufficient introduction so I'll leave this here. Have a good day and stay safe friends. 🙂

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